
Our certification and credentialing system has been carefully crafted to provide comprehensive education, training, and assessment for individuals pursuing a fulfilling career as a pet care professional. Unlike quick certifications earned over a weekend or through a handful of events, our program is a well-structured journey. It starts with your initiation as a student within the salon pet division. As you progress, you can advance to the pet-show division and eventually conquer the trims in the contest-show division, representing the pinnacle of achievement.

The Nash System Certification is not just a one-time accomplishment; it establishes a pathway of continuous education for bather, groomer, and stylist professionals to follow throughout their entire career. This system facilitates growth and mastery, allowing you to take on roles as an instructor, mentor, and evaluator within the Nash System community. Whether you begin as a novice, master, or expert, the journey doesn't end there. You can continually strive for specialist levels, contributing to the esteemed Nash System elite education team.

Guiding you every step of the way, this system is your steadfast companion throughout your pet care career. Commencing with foundational bather-groomer trim styles, you can progressively venture into more intricate and challenging styles. Your ultimate aspiration could be to become a specialist capable of mastering all coat types. You have the flexibility to certify in a specific trim style and continue until you achieve the esteemed specialist score and rank. Alternatively, you can choose to conquer the full spectrum of trim styles required within a specific coat type category, thus securing your overall rank and title. The choice is entirely yours, empowering you to shape your professional journey according to your aspirations and preferences.