Who's Who in Man's Best Friend
Understanding the American Kennel Club's groups and the breeds classified within them is essential as a starting point for understanding the handling and grooming of all dogs.
While some of the dogs look exactly as they did thousands of years ago, the look of many breeds has evolved, as have some of the dog's originally intended functions. Aspiring pet care professionals need to understand each and every breed of dog to better understand the different personalities and to be able to create the correct expressions and appearances, but even pet owners will find the information in this course fascinating for the light it sheds on their dog's personalities! Unlock all the secrets of your dogs' appearance and your dog's personality!
This course in the Nash System "Man's Best Friend" series provides the knowledge base to discern between all the breeds recognized by the AKC.
Learn all about the fascinating and varied world of dogs, including:
Why do the groups exist?
What is the philosophy behind the AKC's organization of all breeds of dogs?
What is unique about the Sporting Group.
How the invention of firearms forever altered the way, manhunts with dogs.
Characteristics common to all dogs in the Sporting Group, and what differences exist in the breeds in this group.
The difference between a sighthound and a scent hound.
What it means when we say that the sighthounds are among the original breeds.
How the handling of dogs from the Sporting Group and the Hound Group differ.
What coat types exist in these two groups.
Dogs that comprise the Working Group, and why were they selectively bred by man.
Why the Terrier Group is unique and specialized.
The purpose of breeding dogs in the Toy Group.
The Non-Sporting Group, and what dogs comprise it.
Why are the Herding Group dogs among man's most historical partners?
The Miscellaneous Group, and why it exists.
The AKC Groups
Sporting Group
Hound Group
Study Questions: The AKC Groups
Quiz: The AKC Groups/Sporting and Hound Groups
Working Group
Terrier Group
Study Questions: The AKC Group Part 2
Quiz: AKC Groups/ Working and Terrier Groups
Toy Group
Non-Sporting Group
Study Questions: The AKC Group Part 3
Quiz: AKC Groups/Toy and Non-Sporting Groups
Herding Group
Miscellaneous Class
Study Questions: The AKC Group Part 4
Quiz: AKC Groups/Herding Group and Miscellaneous Class