In This Course

_1_13715247290230-AC.jpgThe complicated and fascinating world of the salon is explored via such issues as:

  • What the various, essential areas of a salon and how they work, separately and together.

  • Why workflow such an important concept when trying to understand how to improve salon safety and efficiency.

  • Why is the Office Area important, especially to salon managers and owners.

  • Why is a Green Area important, and what aspects of upkeep must be considered.

  • Why traffic flow and first impressions so important in consideration of your Reception Area.

  • What equipment, policies, and procedures must be understood for a well-functioning Reception Area.

  • How does a Retail Area fit into your Reception Area

  • Should the Retail Area be completely separate and why.

  • What happens in the Evaluation Area that makes it one of the most important areas of the salon.

  • Equipment included in a well-functioning Evaluation Area.

  • Main considerations in terms of safety and traffic flow in the Holding Area (Kennel Area).

  • The state-of-the-art choices you must make for the safety of your staff and pets in your Holding Area.

  • Why efficiency, traffic flow, and equipment choices so significant in your Grooming and Styling Area.

  • How your choices of equipment in your Bathing Area determine efficiency and safety for your staff and pets.

  • The safety considerations that define the Drying Area.

  • The Laundry Area focuses on the daily functioning of your salon.

  • Considerations that should influence your decisions regarding the Rest-room Area, Utility Area, Storage Area, and Break Area.

  • What tools and equipment necessary for the functioning of the ultimate pet grooming salon.

  • What stripping knives are necessary.

  • How you choose clippers, blades, and snap-on combs for your salon.

  • What scissors and thinning shears are necessary.

  • Why wire cutters a necessity in every salon.

  • What types of towels do you need, and how should you organize them.

  • What tools and equipment do you need to provide the utmost safety for both the pet and the professional.

  • What types of bathing safety gear are necessary for every salon.

  • What safety regulations and rules must be abided by, for the safety of pets and professionals alike.

  • What is OSHA, and what rules does it have in place for salons.

  • What eye care products are a necessity in all salons.

  • What ear care products are a necessity in all salons.

  • What oral care products are a necessity in all salons.

  • What keeps the dog's mouth healthy and clean.

  • What foot and nail care products must be known to all professionals.

  • Why colognes for pets useful in a salon.

  • Skincare products are available on the market, and how and why should you use them.

  • What decorative products will enhance your artistry and please pet families.

  • Why knowledge of all the types of shampoo essential.

  • How knowledge of conditioners enhances your expertise.

  • What are product stabilizers and how do they work.

  • What are coat gels and how do they work.

  • What sanitizing products are necessary to make your salon shine and keep it sanitary and healthy for professionals and pets alike.

  • How pets are received from their families in the reception area.

  • How you standardize the evaluation of the pet when it arrives, so that pricing may be uniformly established, and then communicated clearly to the pet family.

  • The correct methods of transporting the pet through the salon for safety and efficiency.

  • The correct methods of placing and removing the pet from the kennels.

  • The correct methods for placing and removing the pet on the drying grooming and styling table.

  • Correct methods for placing and removing the pet from the bathing station.

  • The type of pet monitoring procedures that must be in place to ensure the safety of every pet at your salon.

  • What is the buddy system, and how does it work to facilitate safety and efficiency for pets and staff alike.

  • Procedures must be in place for handling an emergency situation in the salon.

  • What types of emergencies are likely to occur, and how do the procedures for them differ.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Layout and Design Introduction

    3. Retail Area Introduction

    4. Evaluation Area

    5. Kennels Introduction

    6. Grooming Area Introduction

    7. Bathing Area Introduction

    8. Drying Area Introduction

    9. Laundry Area

    10. Utility Area

    11. Restroom Area

    12. Storage Area

    13. Break Area

    14. Office Area

    15. Overall Salon Workflow

    16. Outdoor Green Area

    17. Reception Area

    18. Holding Area

    19. Study Questions: Lay-out & Design

    20. Quiz: Lay-out & Design

    1. Introduction

    2. Grooming Tools Introduction

    3. Hemostats Introduction

    4. Slicker Brush Introduction

    5. Slicker Brush/Universal Introduction

    6. Pin Brush Introduction

    7. Rubber Brush Introduction

    8. Grooming Glove Introduction

    9. Deshedding/Carding Tools Introduction

    10. Undercoat Rake Introduction

    11. Dematting/Thinning/Rake Introduction

    12. Comb Introduction

    13. Clipper Introduction

    14. Clipper Blades Introduction

    15. Snap-On Combs Introduction

    16. Scissors and Shears Introduction

    17. Thinning Shear Introduction

    18. Chunkers Introduction

    19. Nail Trimmer Introduction

    20. Brushing Tools Introduction

    21. Stripping Knives Introduction

    22. Study Questions: Tools

    23. Quiz: Tools

    1. Pet's Safety Devices

    1. Professional's Safety Devices

    1. Introduction

    2. Product and Supply Safety and Organization

    3. Eye Products

    4. Ear Products

    5. Dental Products

    6. Coagulants

    7. Colognes

    8. Skin Care Products

    9. Decorative Products

    10. Shampoos

    11. Coat Conditioners

    12. Product Stabilizers

    13. Coat Sprays

    14. Coat Gels

    15. Sanitizing Products

    16. Study Questions: Products

    17. Quiz: Products

    1. Introduction

    2. Salon Procedures Introduction

    3. Check-In and Check-Out Procedures

    4. Pet Monitoring Procedure

    5. Buddy System

    6. Handling an Emergency

    7. Receiving Pet in Salon

    8. Evaluating and Pricing Dog for Grooming

    9. Transporting Pets Through the Salon

    10. Placing and Removing Dogs from Kennels

    11. Placing and Removing Pets from Drying, Grooming and Styling Tables

    12. Placing and Removing Pets from the Bathing Station

    13. Presenting the Pet to the Family

    14. Incident Reports

    15. Notification to the Pet Family - Technical Skills Incident

    16. Study Questions: Salon Procedures

    17. Quiz: Salon Procedures

About this course

  • $240.00
  • 79 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content