REFERENCE: Understanding Man's Best Friend
Understanding Man's Best Friend begins with the history of the dog, including Darwin's theory of evolution through natural selection.
It took millennia to create the pet that you love. Your dog is the result of selective breeding, design, and chance. Do you want to understand your dog? If you aspire to work with other people's dogs, don't you need to understand them? This course will teach you everything you need to know about your dog, and all dogs. Whether you are choosing the correct pet for your family, or about to work with a certain breed of dog, the information in this course will prepare you for life and work with canines.
Explore such important issues as:
Knowledge of the wolf as a species, and the habits, characteristics, and society of wolves, are important to an understanding of the dog.
How man and dog begin their interaction. What each has to offer the other.
How Darwin's theory of evolution through natural selection helps us understand the dog and the way it has evolved into its present-day form.
Selective breeding and how the various breeds of dogs, and various jobs and tasks which dogs carry out, come into being.
The three critical periods in a puppy's life and why they are so important to its development and behavior as an adult dog.
How and when a puppy should be socialized to interact with other dogs and with humans?
Characteristics in a dog's temperament are inherited and are therefore the foundation of the dog's behavior.
How environmental factors shape a dog's temperament and behavior.
How do you control these environmental factors to raise an ideal, cooperative pet?
Why does a dog either flees or fights in a situation that the dog perceives as threatening?
Why understanding this flee or fight syndrome so important?
How a dog interprets certain types of eye contact.
How you use eye contact to help you interact with almost any dog successfully.
What is the correct method for "introducing" yourself to almost any dog?
What is a dog trying to tell you through its body language and vocalizations?
What is the difference between teaching and training, and why is this important to understand?
How do motivation and compulsive training methods differ, and why and when would you use each?
How positive and negative stimuli work in dog training.
What are the basic training commands and why do you need to master them in English, German and Dutch?
What basic obedience training entails and how do you carry out basic obedience training?
New training methods are attracting attention because of their success.
Canine Care and Wellness
If you work with dogs all day, you owe it to yourself and to the pets in your care to achieve a specialist level and rank to be the best at taking care of man's best friend.
Let's get started on your path to success.
Understanding Man's Best Friend Syllabus
Understanding Man's Best Friend Course Objectives
Understanding Man's Best Friend Terminology
The Wolf
Early Man's First Encounter
Intro into Man's Selective Breeding
Evolution Through Natural Selection
Selective Breeding
Pack Mentality
The Pack
The Pack Leader
Human as Pack Leader
Educating the Young of the Pack
Dog Behavior
The First Critical Period
The Second Critical Period
The Third Critical Period
The Dog's Temperament - Inherited Characteristics
The Dog's Temperament - Environmental Factors
Flee or Fight
Introduction to Eye Contact
Introducing Yourself to the Dog
What is Your Dog Trying to Tell You?